Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Today was awesome.

First, I went to the prison with the Goffs. The Goffs go to the prison every Tuesday to teach sewing to the ladies. A prison van picked us up at about 845 to take us there. Now this van was a LEGIT prison van, meaning a van to carry prisoners. So sister goff and I are sitting in the back encaged. There were bars everywhere. Tooooo funny.

The ladies were so incredibly sweet, kind, and funny. You can tell that they really love the time they get to sew and the whole time we were there they were always hard at work making things. I loved talking to them, and it was really hard to believe that we were in a prison--because they were all so dang sweet!

We left the same way we came, in a prison van. But this time there was a prisoner in handcuffs with us! HA. I wish I had a picture of this. Just picture it in your mind: Me, Sister Goff, a prisoner, and guard sitting in the back of a prison van surrounded by bars. I can´t wait to go again next week, seriously. It was a blast.

After that, I walked down to the office and James and I went to the post office and.........I GOT MY PACKAGE. Woooo hooo! My mom sent me a package for my birthday which was a month ago, and it got here today! So great, so great, so great.
Me excited beyond belief

My presents :-)

Obv the first thing I did was devoure the chocolate candy.

And then I went out teaching with the sister missionaries. Every time I teach with them, I can speak more and more portuguese. I love it.

And to finish the day, I have my english class in one hour.

Great day, huh? The only thing that could have made it better would be the beach--but do not fret. I am going tomorrow :)

Oh PS, two more cool things.
A lady in my ward made these guys for me! HOW COOL are they? so cool.

And I bought the most beautiful wallet I have ever seen. Coin purses included


  1. Love the pants and the wallet! Sounds like you are having an incredible time there!

  2. Uh oh, Jake sent a package last week, does that mean you won't get it before you leave?

    I dooo love the pants. So cool about the sweet spirits in prison. It really is a shame how hard life can be and how that influences the choices we make. Our new bishop is a prosecutor and he says that he enjoys his job because every client he gets come to him thinking that their life is over because of the mistakes they have made. And he loves t because he gets to help them through their problems and show them that ife is not over. Way to be a motivator and a beacon of hope!!


    the Pantalones are the bEST
