Friday, July 9, 2010


This week a popular Reggae band, Natiruts, has been in Mindelo. I met João from Portugal last Monday who was here hanging out with the band, and by getting to know João this week, I also had the opportunity to get to know all of the band members. Last night was their concert and Nelida and I got free tickets and got to chill with everyone backstage before and after the show. It was soooo fun. In fact, this whole week has just been so much dang fun. All of my new friends from Portugal and Brazil left this morning and I am so sad. I hate realizing that all of these amazing, fun, cool people that I am meeting over here I will probably never see again. I only have three weeks left here and the end is coming far too quickly for me.

(Ps it was awesome that all of them spoke pure portuguese. No creole!).

Unfortunately I only took a few pictures with Nelida before the show and then I left my camera, but I´m going to try and have João send me his

(Random pic from last week.)This is a common occurrence here in Mindelo: Random groups of people storming the streets with their drums and dancing.


  1. YES. They were SO good! They gave me a free CD. We will listen at the beach :)

  2. As usual you look so beautiful Jo!

  3. Hay, just wondering, did you get Jake's package yet?

  4. Not yet!!! But I haven´t checked the mail for about a week so I´m hoping that it will be there tomorrow when I check :) :)
